Basic tips for car and tyre safety

 Before embarking on your next adventure, experts advise drivers to verify that their vehicle is operating properly and that there are no visible signs of tyre damage. It is actually pretty straightforward; you only need a couple of minutes every day in the morning or prior to any road trip to verify the status and condition of your vehicle and tyres. Well-maintained vehicles keep you safe and it helps extend the lifespan of your tyres,

The following tips will assist you to save some money and time while keeping your vehicle and your Goodyear Tyres Birmingham in good condition and your journeys safe.

How to take care of your car?

First of all, you need to carefully select your set of tyres. Many drivers tend to buy their tyres based on initial cost or even appearance. However, to choose the right tyres for your car, you should base your decision on the suggested suitable size for your car type and its unique loading recommendations. Additionally, you can seek advice from knowledgeable car suppliers on choosing the correct set of tyres for your usual driving patterns.

You should also get your own tyre gauge for any emergency and try to have tools inside your vehicle all the time. Tyre gauge will let you know if your tyres need more air so you can add some pressure before using your car. You will be able to buy a decent gauge at any car retailer, gas station, or supply store.

Another way to avoid tyre failure is by checking your tyre’s air pressure once a month, particularly before long trips.  Keep in mind that underinflation is the number one enemy of tyres as it can easily cause external and internal damage that can lead to blowouts or flat tyres. You can use the manufacturer's suggested air pressure that is labelled inside your car’s door jamb; another option is to review your car’s manual and use it as a guide. Be sure to test the air pressure when your Tyres Birmingham are cold. Driving normally heats up the tyres, so it will be difficult to know the actual number.

In rainy conditions, you should always try to slow down your car. At slow speeds, your tyre footprint automatically increases, delivering better traction and handling, while reducing the danger of hydroplaning. Do not forget to rotate all your tyres at least every ten thousand miles. If you notice any signs of irregular wear, please request your local mechanic to assess and fix any misalignment, or other external and mechanical issues before rotating your tyres.

Check your car alignment on a regular basis. It is particularly important to get a professional to review your alignment in case you notice that your car is constantly pulling to the sides while you drive straight ahead. It is also important to check and measure tyre tread. Verify that the sidewalls are free of gouges, cuts, bumps, bulges, holes, or any other kind of irregularities.

Be sure that you never overload your car since it could generate too much heat within your tyres. An overburdened car puts extra stress on your tyres and causes serious damage in the future. It is best to shed all the extra weight every day and avoid putting on weight throughout the days.

Last but not least, you need to balance your tyres regularly. An unbalanced set of tyres will certainly lead to tyre damage, uneven wear, and car accidents.


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